Friday, November 21, 2008

What is The American Balance Party Concept?

Are you a Centrist? To us, ‘centrist’ implies fence-sitting, or ambivalence.

Upon closely examining the issues, moreover, we found we were basically in agreement 80-85% of the time. Disagreement lay in the solution for the situation or implementation of said solution.

So we argued and debated. And voted early.

On Election Day, we listened to radio news and watched TV. We were heartened by each report of heavy voter turnout. But the nation seemed equally split by the popular vote with only a few percentage votes dividing the two presidential candidates.

Then came realization.

That had to mean approximately equal numbers of Americans were on each side – but not divided, as most of the media insisted.
Not divided, but balanced.

The blue-collar, agrarian, heavily Democratic county in Tennessee where we live cast a majority of its votes for McCain, yet returned its Democratic Representative to the House. This same anomaly occurred throughout the country.

We concluded most Americans were searching for balance in the selection of government representation.

We postulated that if people of all different races, creeds, national origin or orientations were asked, simply, "What do you want from life in the United States?" the answers would be astonishingly similar.

And those answers would be something akin to: "I want the very best for my loved ones and my community in education; housing; services and health care; and including reasonable wages; a simple and fair tax system; personal safety and security; fulfillment of individual needs and wants and a continuing pursuit of equality, life, liberty and happiness."

In general, a balanced life.

We’ve talked to people across the country.

Now we have a radical proposal.
We propose a new political party; its strengths and vital issues, its highly-valued ideas drawn from all recognized political parties. This party of true inclusion resolves situations in a win-win manner instead of by compromise or majority.
The American Balance Party is its name.

History shows lasting societies and cultures, no matter how ‘advanced’ or ‘primitive,’ seek to protect and educate their young, care for their elders, and work within their environment to produce a better life for all.

American Balance is completely dedicated to that better life for all of us.
American Balance emphasizes the infinite potential of all Americans in intellectual, financial, emotional and spiritual endeavors, and wishes to foster opportunity for all citizens in those areas. It seeks to have everyone educated, elevated and empowered.
American Balance values the intelligence and compassion of all Americans and entrusts to them the decisions which directly affect their lives.

American Balance Party membership is open to all voters who consider themselves Americans first, as part of the greater whole, and regardless of race, creed, color, gender or orientation. The party symbol is a set of scales in constant adjustment, always weighing and adapting, seeking the best solutions for our challenges, inclusive of all Americans. The party motto: Come, let us reason together.

To be an American Balance Party candidate, a person must take an oath of Honesty, Integrity, and Ethics. That person is then bound by that oath, and further, must agree to represent all voters in a district, not just partisans. Each candidate is therefore constrained by their constituents' goals and purposes for the district and its communities.

Regular public meetings between American Balance Party office-holders and constituents will be mandatory. Directives arising from such community meetings shall be executed by American Balance Party office-holders.

When positions or proposed legislation is brought to an American Balance Party office-holder from an outside source, it is incumbent upon that office-holder to subject said proposal to the American Balance Party Legislation Litmus Test.

Said Legislation Litmus Test is as follows:
1. The proposal cannot diminish nor impinge upon the United States Constitution or the Bill of Rights in any manner in dealing with an individual or group.

2. The proposal must show balance and reasoned thought. No individual or particular group may gain excessive advantage over another individual or group. If an individual or group receives special consideration in order to achieve parity in some area, that consideration shall have specific parameters and time constraints. The end results must bring balance to the community through Education, Empowerment, and Elevation.

3. The proposal shall be closely evaluated upon the following criteria:
A. What is its goal? Does it elevate, educate, or empower individual(s)/group(s)? How does it affect/benefit the community?
B. How does it affect/benefit other groups/communities?
C. How does it affect/benefit the city, county, state, regional area, the United States?
D. What means shall be engaged to counter any perceived negative affects to groups/communities?
E. A Summary of Goal Achievements is required at predetermined intervals during the time the program is in force to determine its success, failure, extension, or termination. An End Date must also be projected.

The future of the American Balance Party lies in its inherent determination to achieve consensus.

If only 25% of a voting political body was American Balance Party office-holders, then other political parties would have to present proposals which met the Litmus Test in order to obtain a majority of votes.

We’re putting this initial proposal on the table for comment. And we're working on suggestions and ideas for possible consideration at community meetings, such as guidelines for a balanced system of rights and obligations, and what we see as some common concerns for all Americans, which need to be addressed by all Americans.
If you have comments, ideas, suggestions; please post a comment on this blog.

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Balance is the way of life, it should also be the way of a nation
